C&C Art Workshops are taught by identical twin sisters Carole Foret and Claire Kayser who are professional painters. Together, they have combined teaching experience spanning 20 years and have great passion for helping individuals discover and nourish their creative potential and to fearlessly and boldly translate subjects into paintings. Their style of teaching is very demonstrative, giving each student the invaluable chance to watch-to-learn. The energy in which they teach translates well to most avid learners!

While the sisters have lived many miles apart, they have pursued their artistic paths since they were children, drawing, painting and photography. While in Cortona, Italy doing her studies abroad art program with the University of Georgia in 1994, Claire fell in love with Cortona, and when her sister visited they vowed to return and teach. Fifteen years later, it became a dream-come-true for the twins.

Carole Foret lives in Huntsville, Alabama, and Claire Kayser on the north shore of Chicago. Check out their individual work on their websites below!